“So, what does it feel like?” you ask …

Yesterday was a whirlwind of trying to get way too much done in way to little time, of trying to not stiff my friends, and coworkers with too many unanswered questions and incomplete tasks, and trying to make sure I didn’t work a 14 hour day.  I think I succeeded on points one and two but failed pretty miserably on number three.

So what does it feel like to wakeup with your job being the startup you had the idea for over a year ago, the startup, that you’re a few months deep into working at night, on weekends and whenever you can steal some time, the startup that has to pay the mortgage and feed the family?   Insanely, unbelievably anxious, that’s what.  Wow, I’ve not been this anxious since my driving test.  The driving test that I hit (and likely killed) a bird on the way to.  And yes, I passed.  And my Dad swears the bird was suicidal …

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