So yeah, neither of us are graphic artists – that’s for sure. When we needed to come up with a logo for some business cards from Moo, well, that fell on my shoulders (since I have a legit, real, honest copy of Illustrator – thanks former life in academia). What we came up with is so not a logo. It’s kinda just a font, with some color, but it’ll do for now.
So a version of it now lives up there, in the upper right. That’s us, TempMine. Neat. Our biz cards look ok, not great. Amusingly enough, I apparently messed up the color, so they’re a little darker, and purpleyer. Whatevers. There are first, and they’re kinda cool.

TempMine: our first business cards
Take away: Don’t waste too much time or money on your first biz cards. If you pay more than $25 shipped, you’re wasting cash better used on anything else. Also, don’t get too into the logo yet. We’ll have way more time to worry about that later.